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   WORLD PHOTOSint(3) / Art


Images of people in colorful glassHistory of glassFigure with small pieces of colored glassSaints TalkReligious Subjects
Visual Arts. Painting on glassDrawing on the church window with colored glassThe image of KingThe group of people who died near the bedStage Communion,
Multicolored windows inside the churchWhite lilies image on the glassSavior and the people in the boatThe student and mentorLarger symbol of power, the emblem on the glass
The King in the garden with the lamp in his handJesus Christ crucifiedOn the cross. Savior and the angelsVirgo among the clouds on a green serpentDrawing on the window. The predominance of yellow tones
Yellow glass windowsPicture a man on the glassMinisters of the churchCross against the backdrop of stained glassDark purple flower on a background of yellow, window glass
The image of Jesus Christ on the glassMen. The ruler and his assistantFragment from the BibleLarger feetAngel Maria notify a birth
Green sheets of flowers on yellow backgroundThe infant and the oldHorseman in uniformThe caption under the pictureWomen at the Cross rescuer
Everyone has their own cross. Plot of the BibleChrist and the crossResurrection of Jesus ChristPreaching Christ to his disciples after the resurrectionAssault soldiers of Christ
Buried the dead ChristLarger images of saints on glassHoly PeopleImages of saints on the stained glass peopleThe story of the Holy Book of Christians
Christ during the prayer and the angelItinerant travelersInfant baptismAlert Angel Maria\'s birth son, JesusDrawing on the glass
Geometrical shapes on the glassBottom ryasy. The image on the glassInscription and branch plantsBowl over the malesResurrection of the Savior
Height of Christ over a group of peopleReception at the KingA young man with a book and penFigure of colored glassThe composition of flowers out of colored glass
The young man in a blue coat with a book in his hands and a long stickGirl and boyAngel with a bow in the hands ofAngel in a red coatWriting Letters of the Holy Prophet
Talk of priests in the templeAngel with a cross in the hands ofAngel with a swordA young man with the crucifixion of Christ in the hands ofMulti-colored glass cubes
Young women and the elderlyMulti-colored paintings of colored glass in the churchWise men talk to boysJesus Christ in a red cloakDiamonds of white, green, orange
The windows with colored glass elementsMulticolored squares of semicircular windowsThe crucifixion of Christ the image of stained glassBirth, baptism and death of ChristPlot of the Bible
Cross over the pictureStages of life the SaviorTeacher and pupilBaby and motherPreaching Jesus Christ
A girl with a blue ribbon in hairFigure at the bottom of the compositionForgivenessCross and crownChrist and his followers
A young man with a cup in his hands and booksA woman with a pen and cross in the hands ofThe queen with a cross in his handThe bottom part of clothing. Inscriptions at the bottom of the pictureLarger plots of colorful glass paintings
Christ with the children at the hands ofImages of people and their life on the windows of the churchDepictions of animals and vehicles on the window of the church stained glassLight green and yellow boxes of glassChurch Hall

   WORLD PHOTOSint(3) / Art
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